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Exercising Personal Responsibility: The Freedom of Choice and Change

#cost of freedom #feedom of choice education and freedom exercising personal responsibility freedom from fear inspire change plastic free july plastic free world Jul 05, 2024
The cost of Freedom:  Exercising personal Responsibility

The Power of Education and Personal Responsibility

"A Mission Greater Than Ourselves: Embracing Education and Personal Responsibility 

As an advantaged woman born in the 20th century, I have had the privilege of access to knowledge, resources, and opportunities that many around the world do not. This privilege comes with a profound responsibility to use my advantages to create positive change, not just for myself but for others as well.

My experiences in the military taught me invaluable lessons about living for something greater than myself. In the military, we learn that our actions have far-reaching consequences, affecting not just our immediate surroundings but also the broader mission. This perspective is deeply ingrained in our DNA, driving us to seek a purpose beyond personal gain.

Many women express this need for a greater purpose through motherhood, choosing to give life and often sacrificing themselves for the betterment of their children. This selflessness is a testament to the courage and strength inherent in women. However, whether we are mothers or not, each of us has the capacity to contribute to something greater than ourselves.

The Importance of an Educated Population

As we reflect on our individual responsibilities, it's essential to understand the importance of an educated population as the cornerstone of a democratic republic. When the United States was founded, less than 50% of the population was invited to participate in the political process. This meant no slaves, women, Jews, Catholics, those under 21 years old, and those too poor to be freeholders. Only about 10-20% of the populace was able to vote in the first elections.

Much has changed since our Founding Fathers penned the Constitution. Today, we recognize the fundamental role that education plays in empowering individuals and enabling them to exercise their freedoms responsibly. An educated electorate is crucial for the success and sustainability of our nation. To govern ourselves effectively, we must be informed about the issues, understand the implications of our choices, and actively participate in the democratic process.

I am grateful and honored to be a woman born in the 21st century US with much privilege and education to exercise my freedoms. I consider it a blessing, privilege, and obligation to continue the pursuit of education and exercise my freedoms in solidarity with the billions of women around the world who are born into situations of no fault of their own. Many may never live without fear because education is being denied to them, and they are unable to express the freedom of choice. I believe that education is the only way to be lifted up out of fear.

Embracing Personal Responsibility

Understanding our role in a democratic republic underscores the importance of personal responsibility. Here are four essential elements to guide us in taking personal responsibility:

  1. Knowledge: Understanding the problem is the first step. We can not change what we do not know.  Knowledge is empowerment, but we can not be 'in power' until we choose action.  Knowledge can either lead to feelings of shame and helplessness or inspire us to make positive changes. By choosing love, compassion, and forgiveness, we empower ourselves to act. As the Bible says, "To whom much is given, much is expected." And in the sentiment of Maya Angelou "When we know better, we must strive to do better."

  2. Access to Resources: Sustainable choices require resources. For instance, opting for reusable glass or stainless steel water bottles over plastic ones may require some planning but is essential for reducing our plastic footprint. Access to information, tools, and alternatives empowers us to make better choices.

  3. Affordability: Personal responsibility involves more than just financial considerations. It includes time, effort, and identity shifts. While avoiding plastics might not always be feasible, recognizing and planning for these situations helps us stay committed to our goals. The sacrifices we make today can lead to a healthier, more sustainable future.

  4. Externality: Our choices have a broader impact. When we educate ourselves and others, we become empowered to create change. As we make better choices, we inspire those around us to do the same, fostering a culture of collective responsibility. The ripple effect of our actions can transform our communities and society at large.

The Power of One Woman's Mission

As we celebrate Independence Day and the freedoms we enjoy, let's remember that true freedom comes with responsibility. By choosing to live authentically and responsibly, we can contribute to a healthier planet and society. This ethos aligns with my "One Woman Mission," which is about recognizing that our individual efforts, when united, can drive significant change.

This month, as we delve into the personal responsibility of choice, I am eager to share how I have utilized educational opportunities to enhance my health and empower others to do the same. It is my personal responsibility, obligation, and privilege to educate women and guide them toward the freedom of choice, liberating them from fear.

In keeping with the theme of 'Plastic Free July', the journey towards a plastic-free future is not just about individual actions but about uniting for a greater mission. By embracing personal responsibility and inspiring others, we can create a ripple effect that transforms our culture and society. This aligns with the vision of an educated and engaged citizenry, crucial for upholding the values of our democratic republic.

Together, we can make a difference. Let's stand united in our commitment to a plastic-free future and a healthier planet for generations to come. 

To learn more about how you can exercise personal responsibility and invest in yourself, I invite you to join our Zoom Clarity Call. This session will provide insights into elevating your health and creating your best life. Let's take this journey together and inspire change.

In Freedom from Fear,

Pamela Hyde 


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